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Diarrhea Specialist

Albert M. Harary, MD

Gastroenterologist located in Midtown East/Upper East Side, New York, NY

Experiencing occasional diarrhea as the result of a virus is normal for most people, but if chronic diarrhea is causing you persistent discomfort, you can rely on Dr. Albert M. Harary for relief. At his gastroenterology practice in Midtown East/Upper East Side, Dr. Harary offers the men and women of New York City both diagnostic testing and treatment for chronic diarrhea. His treatment goal is to alleviate pain and prevent dehydration and get you back to your normal routine. To learn more about treating diarrhea, schedule a consultation online or by calling Dr. Harary’s Manhattan office today.

Diarrhea Q & A

This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice. It is important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea refers to increased frequency of stools that are softer than usual, or all liquid. Acute diarrhea, lasting for less than two weeks, affects most people at some point in their life. Having chronic diarrhea means you experience runny stool for more than four weeks, which can indicate the presence of underlying health issues.

In addition to the changes in your stool, you may also experience:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Blood in your stool
  • Frequent abdominal cramps

Chronic diarrhea leads to dehydration and other medical issues. It’s wise to schedule a full evaluation of your health with Dr. Harary when symptoms last more than two weeks, or worsen over time.

What causes diarrhea?

Diarrhea often occurs because of problems in your intestines. The cause of diarrhea depends on how long you have it.

Acute diarrhea is often the result of a bacterial or viral infection, or a parasite. Once Dr. Harary addresses the infection, diarrhea symptoms should get better on their own within a few days.

In the case of chronic diarrhea, you may experience symptoms due to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

You may also have diarrhea if you’re taking antibiotics for an infection and they eliminate necessary bacteria in your colon.

Other causes of chronic diarrhea include:

Food sensitivities or intolerances can also cause periods of diarrhea after consuming trigger foods.

What treatment options are available for diarrhea?

Dr. Harary assesses your diarrhea symptoms and performs a physical to create a custom treatment plan. For acute diarrhea, he may take a wait and see approach, recommending you drink clear liquids to stay hydrated, including broths, sports drinks, and Pedialyte®.

If you become dehydrated and experience changes in urination, severe thirst, or persistent weakness, seek medical help immediately. You should also seek treatment if you have a fever, experience weight loss, or have blood in your stool, in addition to diarrhea lasting over two weeks.

Treating chronic diarrhea depends on your overall diagnosis. Dr. Harary may recommend dietary changes to include more white starches and proteins and less high-fat or fiber-rich foods until diarrhea stops.

To learn more about treating acute or chronic diarrhea, schedule a consultation using the online booking feature or by calling Dr. Harary’s office directly.